
Freelance Portfolio

(Under Re-Construction)

fubits.dev fubits.dev


Design Engineering | Data Visualization | Data Management | Tech Management | Storytelling | OSINT Tooling | Geocomputation | Accessibility | UX

Telegram: Chronology of a Radicalization

Concept, UX design, and implementation of a multi-chapter interactive storytelling report. Built with Svelte, Astro and Notion API (CMS). Visual design by https://www.parat.cc/


Academic Freedom Index

Concept, design, and implementation of a semi-static, self-updating website with https://astro.build/, Svelte, and D3. The Hero is an interactive D3-based globe that displays the current Index results in a tooltip. A modal renders time-series data (1900-2023) for 6 metrics. Data is fetched on-demand. Charts can be exported as hi-res screenshots.


Afrozensus Data Explorer

Concept, design, and implementation of a feature-rich full-stack Web App for the Afrozensus survey. Users can explore survey results and group/facet single survey items with socio-demographic variables. Built with SvelteKit, Supabase and a D3 flavour. Data is queried from a Postgres DB. Data engineering by https://twitter.com/lisa_reiber.



Concept / facilitation and development of a 2-track website for zedela, a Berlin-based NGO focussing on empowering BiPoC and fighting racism. Art direction / visual design by Hélène Baum.


Follow the Money - Crisis Spending Report

6 double-paged infographics composed of 78 charts; 12 standalone charts of various types; produced with R & Affinity Designer


dComms Website

Implementation of a lightweight, interactive, multi-language website for eQualit.ie's dComms project. Guides help users set up decentralized communication tools.


Der Spiegel: Carousel Component

Implementation of a Svelte-based image carousel with autoplay, horizontal swiping, and accessible left/right navigation and progress dots.


Two-Sided Dendrogram

Design and development of an interactive Svelte-based standalone module, integrated into a legacy (non-JS) application. Dynamically renders root-node-child and parent-root-node and -sibling relationships incl. data.


Democratic Innovations to Youth Work

Multi-language website built with Svelte, Astro and Notion API (CMS).


Network Analysis App

Design and development of an interactive Svelte-based standalone module, integrated into a legacy (non-JS) application. Dynamically renders 500+ nodes and 1K+ edges. Receives and sends events to interact with the parent application.


Der Spiegel: DAX Stock Game

Implementation of a Svelte-based interactive feature to explore historical DAX stock market data.


OSINT / Research Support: Mariupol

It was a special honor to support Human Rights Watch's Digital Investigations Lab as a consultant for this intense report. The report documents the extent of destruction in the city of Mariupol and identifies the Russian units involved.


Ukraine: Tank Deliveries Tracker

Short-term volunteering effort to track Western tank deliveries to Ukraine. We stopped tracking, because eventually there was nothing to be tracked...


Der Spiegel: Bar Chart Race

Implementation of a Svelte-based feature which combines scrollytelling with a bar chart race (bars grow and shrink based on scroll progress and swap positions depending on their rank).


Map for FES Afghanistan

Leaflet map which displays region-specific sections of a written report in a multi-tab pop-up.


Afrozensus Website

Design and development of the official website of the Afrozensus project and the 2020 Report. The report is presented with a 2-part scrollytelling feature. SSR, built with SvelteKit & Svelte Scroller.


Berlin-O-Mat: Berlin 2021 Elections

Joint web project with Tagesspiegel and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for the 2021 State-level (Berlin) and local-level (boroughs) election. Hybrid voting advice application with a two-layered data model.


Follow The Money - Web Feature

Compagnon website for a research report. Scrollytelling + animated SVGs to narrate the executive summary.


Militias in Afghanistan - Case Study Maps & Charts

Code-generated multi-layered case study maps based on UN HDX geodata and DIY hillshaded elevation data (rayshader & NASA SRTM). A single parameterized R template that was rendered for 5 case study maps.


Chemical Weapons - Podcast

SPA-like podcast player integrated into a static legacy website. Built with Alpine,js & Eleventy.


Chemical Weapons - Web Project

My first end-to-end product journey (concept, design, implementation, data pre-processing). Feature-rich static website for a multi-chapter essay & an interactive data portal. Months of intense design and development work. Features: map-based scrollytelling, case study components, timeline, audio snippets.


Chemical Weapons - Data Portal

Interactive map & data table view with dynamic filtering, incident clustering, and incident cards. Made with leaflet, crossfilter, dataTables, and a bit of D3. The data is auto-fed via a CI/CD-based end-to-end data pipeline.


Nowhere to Hide Report

Three case study maps, highlighting changes in territorial control during selected campaigns of chemical attacks. Two styleguide-compliant bicolor schemes represent gains/losses by rebels and state/regime actors. A full-page illustration outlines the deadly path of a helicopter regiment.


Data Engineering & CI/CD - Workshop

Introduction to data-centric DevOps & CI/CD. Hands-on workshop on implementing a ETL data pipeline with R & GitLab CI/CD.


Design Thinking / Product Vision / Storytelling Sprints

I have successfully facilitated Design Thinking and Product Vision workshops with participants from academia, NGOs and policy. Together, we were able to make the abstract become manifest and actionable.


Information Security 101 - Talk/Workshop

360° introduction to individual and organizational risks and mitigation strategies for not-for-profit organisations.


Human Centred Design & Design Processes - Talk

Introduction to the "Why" & "How" of designing for usability. Focus is on understanding and feasibility from a non-profit persepctive.


Krieg vor der Haustür

Colored regional map for the book's front matter, picking up the hue from the book's cover theme. Three tile-sized maps for the back matter, zooming in on single states and subregions.


China's Silk Road

A full-paged b/w regional map of Asia, including the challenge of emphasizing four subregions.


Urban Spaces

Conception, technical project coordination, and content implementation of an online-first research paper design, complemented by a regular print product. This pilot involved a team of 30 people, and took more than one year from the first workshop to launch.
