(Weekly per-language activity of specific keywords)

(Weekly per-language activity of specific keywords)

Now that we are done with pre-processing the Internet Research Agency dataset, we can unleash the full R powers and dive into automated content analysis. For a primer, see the following excellent intros and posts re: core NLP concepts, R packages, and tools:

Just a word of caution: Topic Modelling is a statistical method, and doing it the way I’m doing here - on the full 5.7M Tweets corpus OR even on a subset of 2M Tweets without any frequency-based feature reduction (i.e. with quanteda::dfm_trim()) - will take some time. A lot of time actually. I have a decent Gamer’s Laptop with 16GB RAM, a quad-core Intel i7-7500 CPU and a SSD (SATA tho) - and computing the Topic Model based on the English subset (2M Tweets, with auto-induced K=73 topics, based on 15K features -> cf. upcoming 3rd part of this series) took a whole day (22,5 hours). Don’t try this at home, or without some free AWS credits :)

1 Packages & Data

Let’s get started. Here are some tweaks/tricks/adjustments I discovered while writing this post (i.e., in this 8 years old Stack Overflow thread) in order to increase the computing performance ;)

i.e.: memory.limit(size = NA) sets the maximum memory limit to what’s ever possible on your system (it’s a bit more complicated on Windows)

You can enforce R’s garabage collection at any time with gc() (see the vignette for the params); this is esp. helpful after rm(huge_object)

Save any large output as an .rds or .RData (if you can afford) to your hard-drive, clear your environment and start the next step with as low of a RAM footprint as possible.

My key-learning of this post, however: If you’re on Windows, set-up a Linux distro to dual-boot. R is so much more performant on Ubuntu et al. (also with regards to Unicode, path length, memory management and much more) You’ll start the environment with at least 1GB more of free RAM; you’ll have full CLI control over the swap drive/file; and then some more.

Let’s start. Here are the packages we’ll need:

quanteda_options("threads" = 4) # 4 is the limit on my Laptop
print(str_c("Threads for Quanteda: ", quanteda_options("threads")))
## [1] "Threads for Quanteda: 4"

Since we’ve already pre-processed the Internet Research Agency dataset, we can just load the exported data object and go on with corpus-building.

data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
data_unique <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "infoops_data_processed.rds"))
# devtools::install_github("brooke-watson/BRRR")
BRRR::skrrrahh("flava") # play sound when ready

2 International Corpus: An Exersise in “Too Big for In-Memory”

2.1 Data Exploration: Time-Series Plots

As I didn’t do this in my last post, let’s have a quick look at the time-wise distribution of Tweets in total, and grouped by Tweet and Account languages. This way, we might see what time periods and what languages might be worth special attention.

First, we’ll reduce the observations to language groups and further aggregate on a weekly basis.

IRA_TS <- data_unique %>%
  mutate(tweet_time = as_date(tweet_time),
         week = lubridate::floor_date(tweet_time, "week")) %>%
  group_by(week, account_language, tweet_language) %>%
  count() %>% 
IRA_TS %>% 
  head() %>%
week account_language tweet_language n
2014-07-13 ru ru 89198
2015-03-15 en en 71421
2017-08-13 es en 71037
2017-08-06 es en 55256
2014-06-22 ru ru 49209
2014-08-10 ru ru 46044

Now we’ll plot time series grouped by account languages.

IRA_TS %>% 
    ggplot() +
      geom_line(aes(x = week, y = n, color = fct_infreq(account_language)),
                alpha = 0.5) +
      scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired", direction = -1) +
      scale_x_date(limits = c(as_date("2009-01-01"), NA),
                   breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "1 year"),
                   labels = scales::date_format(format = "%Y"),
                   minor_breaks = "6 months") +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(9),
                         labels = scales::number_format(big.mark = ".",
                                                    decimal.mark = ",")) +
      theme_minimal() +
        title = "Russian Internet Agency Dataset: Weekly Activity per Account Language",
        subtitle = str_c(
          "Subset of ", n_distinct(data_unique$tweetid), 
          " unique Tweets (no RTs) from ",
          n_distinct(data_unique$userid), " unique Users"
        caption = "@fubits",
        color = "Account Language",
        x = "",         y = "Tweets"        ) +
      guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5, stroke = 1.5)))

Well that’s some interesting peaks - first “ru”, then “en”, than a little phase with “ru” followed by “es” (as in Español)! We can neglect everything before 2012 for now, so the following plots should become a bit more detailed.

Let’s see what we can observe by plotting the Tweet Languages and inspect the top peaks’ dates. To further reduce noise, we’ll filter out languages with less than 500 Tweets per week from 2012 on (as we have aggregated the Tweets on a weekly basis, in fact, only week-wise values will be filtered out).

IRA_TS %>% 
  filter(week > "2011-12-25" & n > 500) %>% 
    ggplot() +
      geom_line(aes(x = week, y = n, color = fct_infreq(tweet_language)),
                alpha = 0.5) +
      scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired", direction = -1) +
      scale_x_date(limits = c(as_date("2011-11-01"), NA),
                   breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "1 year"),
                   labels = scales::date_format(format = "%Y"),
                   minor_breaks = "6 months") +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(9),
                         labels = scales::number_format(big.mark = ".",
                                                    decimal.mark = ",")) +
      theme_minimal() +
        title = "Russian Internet Agency Dataset: Weekly Activity per Tweet Language",
        subtitle = str_c(
          "Subset of ", n_distinct(data_unique$tweetid), 
          " unique Tweets (no RTs) from ",
          n_distinct(data_unique$userid), " unique Users"
        caption = "@fubits",
        color = "Tweet Language",
        x = "",
        y = "Tweets"
        ) +
      guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5, stroke = 1.5)))

Those patterns are really telling! And we can add one more helper: Text labels (the Mondays for the respective weeks) for those top peaks (global maxima), colored by the respective Account languages. Plus, the real activity starts to gain momentum in 2014, so we should neglect everything beforehand for now

IRA_TS %>% 
  filter(week > "2013-12-23" & n > 500) %>% 
    ggplot() +
      geom_line(aes(x = week, y = n, color = fct_infreq(tweet_language)),
                alpha = 0.5) +
      geom_point(data = IRA_TS[1:10,], aes(x = week, y = n, 
                                          color = fct_infreq(tweet_language)), size = 2) +
      scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired", direction = -1, aesthetics = c("color", "fill")) +
      ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = IRA_TS[1:10,],
                                aes(x = week, y = n,
                                    label = str_c(month(week, label = T, abbr = T), "-", day(week)),
                                    fill = account_language),
                                    size = 3) +
      scale_x_date(limits = c(as_date("2013-10-01"), NA),
                   breaks = scales::date_breaks(width = "1 year"),
                   labels = scales::date_format(format = "%Y"),
                   minor_breaks = "6 months") +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(9),
                         labels = scales::number_format(big.mark = ".",
                                                    decimal.mark = ",")) +
      theme_minimal() +
        title = "Russian Internet Agency Dataset: Weekly Activity per Language (Top 10 Peaks)",
        subtitle = str_c(
            "Subset of ", n_distinct(data_unique$tweetid), 
            " unique Tweets (no RTs) from ",
            n_distinct(data_unique$userid), " unique Users", "; Label: week's Monday; Label fill: Account language"
        caption = "@fubits",
        color = "Language",
        x = "",
        y = "Tweets"
        ) +
      guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5, stroke = 0)),
             fill = FALSE)

Technically, we could re-do this for all peaks of any particular Tweet or Account language and find out more about the particular events (i.e. German-language Tweets peaking around the Federal Elections in autum 2017 - barely visibly with this color palette) with the help of Wikipedia’s super-handsome current events portal.

For instance, we can observe Russian-language Tweets starting to peak at the beginning of 2014:

  • post-Maidan, the Ukraine-Russia conflict just entered a full-fledged armed conflict period, complemented by Russia’s Annexation of Crimea et al.
  • on 17 July Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine (cf. Bellingcat’s OSINT work).

As for the English-language Tweets (attributed to the Russian “Internet Research Agency” by Twitter’s Election Intergrity Team in this dataset), we see them gain momentum starting in mid 2014, shortly after the shot-down of MH17…

Beyond that, in 2015:

  • the Greeks elected a new Parliament on 4 January
  • the Charlie Hebdo attack took place on 7 January,
  • the Ferguson unrest had another bloody month in March
  • well… and on 16 June 2015, Trump announced his presidential campaign.

Post election, English-language Tweets calmed down and didn’t re-peak before August 2017:

  • on 3 August 2017, “Special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington, D.C. to investigate allegations of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections”1
  • (and Neymar was bought by PSG for €222 million on the same day, which might explain why Spanish Accounts where most active here)
  • on 12 August 2017, “fights break out between white supremacists and counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the removal of the Robert Edward Lee Sculpture.”2.
  • on 13 August 2017 the Barcelona attacks happened

As we can see, the activities really peak around certain events, either concerning US-American left-right clashes and other intra-state affairs, or they concern topics with Russian involvement. What’s striking, however, is that the days around the infamous Brexit referendum (23/24 June 2016) are among those time periods with the overall lowest activies.

Just for comparison (of plain numbers to the usefulness of exploration by data visualization), here’s some tables of the data we just visualized. You can easily identify the dates of the events from the numbers alone. But in order to recognize patterns, esp. language patterns, a visual representation is really helpful. However, without this table I probably would have missed the Spanish-language Accounts peaking with Tweets in English in two subsequent weeks…

IRA_TS %>% 
  group_by(week, account_language, tweet_language) %>%
  summarise(n = sum(n)) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  head(20) %>% 
week account_language tweet_language n
2014-07-13 ru ru 89198
2015-03-15 en en 71421
2017-08-13 es en 71037
2017-08-06 es en 55256
2014-06-22 ru ru 49209
2014-08-10 ru ru 46044
2015-01-04 en en 45167
2014-10-05 ru ru 44925
2014-07-20 en ru 41167
2014-07-13 en ru 40059
2017-07-30 es en 35927
2014-06-29 ru ru 33153
2014-08-17 ru ru 33068
2014-07-27 en ru 31603
2014-06-15 ru ru 31592
2015-01-18 en en 30791
2014-10-19 ru ru 30689
2015-01-11 en en 30341
2014-08-24 en en 29403
2014-08-17 en en 29123

Alright. Point made. Let’s continue with preparing our automated content analysis.

rm(IRA_TS) # free up some RAM first

2.2 Building a Corpus with Quanteda

We’re going to build a corpus from our dataset, turn the corpus into a sparse Document-Feature Matrix (DFM), reduce unnecessary features (words/tokens) from the DFM and then use the DFM for Structural Topic Modelling.

Now let’s try to do something really naive: We’ll build a corpus from all Tweets - with all languages. This will take a minute ot two (actually: each step took me hours…) with corpus(), and dfm(), but this way we can explore a lot of presumed topics in various languages early on, and test where the limits of in-memory computing with text as data might be with R (“Big Data calling”)…

Corpus from all Tweets

system.time({ # just measuring run-time
IRA_corpus <- data_unique %>% 
  corpus(text_field = "tweet_text",
         docid_field = "tweetid",
         docvars = data_unique, # probably obsolete when docid_field is set
         compress = FALSE # compression is better for in-memory, but will slow down processing  

2.2.1 Memory Management

That’s my fairly refined approach (from this post) to work in-memory with as low of a RAM footprint as possible:

  • save the data object to the hard-drive with saveRDS(obj)
  • clear your R environment with rm() and gc() ( gc := garbage collection)
  • restart R with .rs.restartR() or rstudioapi::restartSession() (not sure yet, where they really differ)
  • load the data object from the hard-drive with obj <- readRDS()
  • go on with the next task

save IRA_corpus to HDD

saveRDS(IRA_corpus, str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive.rds"))
# saveRDS(IRA_corpus, str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive_compressed.rds"))

clear environment and restart R

gc(full = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
# .rs.restartR()

Linux: down to 1.4 GiB

load IRA_corpus from HDD

data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
IRA_corpus <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive.rds"))
# IRA_corpus <- readRDS(stringr::str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive_compressed.rds"))

2.3 Corpus Exploration: Keyword-in Context

Now we can explore some specific keywords and their full-text conetxt, i.e. those where we can already assume that they should take up a prominent spot in the corpus.

In particular, I’m interested in the following terms:

  • компромат | kompromat (just for you, @RidT)
  • soros
  • fake news: phrase(“fake news”)
  • pee tape: phrase(“pee tape”)
  • msm
  • hillary | clinton
  • nazi
  • antifa
  • zion
  • civil war
  • deep state

test kwic() functionality

IRA_corpus %>% 
  corpus_subset(tweet_language == "ru" | tweet_language == "en") %>% 
  corpus_sample(1000000) %>% # always test with smaller sample
  kwic(c("компромат","kompromat"), window = 10, case_insensitive = TRUE)  %>%
  # vs. kwic(x, phrase("term1 term2"))
  as_tibble() %>% # needed for kwic()
  select(pre:post) %>%
  head(10) %>%
pre keyword post
Trump wants this fountain to be in charge of Russia’s Kompromat on him . https : / / t.co / H8P7CMMxzA

We’ll put the keywords into a (kwic()-friendly) vector and then do a single run with all keywords instead of repeating this n-times. This will take time and might not work properly without enough RAM.

kwic_keywords <- c(
  phrase("fake news"),
  phrase("pee tape"),
  c("hillary", "clinton"),
  phrase("civil war"),
  phrase("deep state")

enforce Garbage Collection to free up RAM

gc(full = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

now search for Keywords-in-context from kwic_keywords vector

  kwic_results <- IRA_corpus %>% 
    # corpus_sample(1000000) %>% # Test smale-scale sample first
    quanteda::kwic(kwic_keywords, window = 10, case_insensitive = TRUE)

saveRDS(kwic_results, str_c(data_path, "kwic_corpus_naive.rds"))
# this genius thing plays Flavor Flav when the chunk is done

I was getting this error repeatedly on Windows:Error: cannot allocate vector of size 64.0 Mb Timing stopped at: 1599 562.6 2294

This was the moment where I arrived at my individual “too big for in-memory” point of failure - even with 16GB RAM. After trying out some memory.size() tricks on Windows, among other things, I decided to change my OS (for R at least) to Ubuntu (MATE 18.10) and set up dual-boot. My first motiviation was to reduce some memory load (i.e. Skype, iTunes, Office et al. all helpers running in the background). Eventually, I had to extend the “in-memory” capacity by creating a dedicated 64GB swap drive on a USB 3.0 thumb drive. As soons as I get hold of a new, bigger, and faster SSD, I’ll have a look at the performance of a SSD-based swap drive.


kwic_results <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "kwic_corpus_naive.rds"))
kwic_results %>% 
  mutate(keyword = tolower(keyword)) %>% 
  group_by(keyword) %>% 
  count() %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
keyword n
clinton 18216
hillary 17353
antifa 6771
fake news 2897
soros 2673
msm 1567
nazi 1273
deep state 852
civil war 741
компромат 118
zion 67
pee tape 7
kompromat 1

This is not as many results as I would have expected. However, this might have been caused by me by not explicitly defining the search pattern as “glob” or “regex”. I’ll re-do this post with better equipment soon-ish.

kwic_results %>%
  filter(keyword == "soros") %>% 
  select(pre, keyword, post) %>% 
  head(10) %>%
pre keyword post
Ah_peaceseeker3 AmericanVoterUS KevinDaGunny FoxNews realDonaldTrump Right ? It’s coming from soros European ba … https : / / t.co / vdqVmwNR7v
MittRomney I’ve learned they’re both antifa’s . I’m positive . soros put out ads 7 d … https : / /
RT apostlelaurinda : howjohns123 CGHallenbeck RealJamesWoods all funded by soros and saudi prince $ $ $ . . . birds
TaylorLorenz Another soros troll ? Or truly compassionate . These days none of
them on the list too . They’re the colluders with soros .
Soros / Killary gonna take place of ANTIFA ANOTHER 501C soros / K … https : / / t.co / U7QhxwnPyN
You guys are pushing the antifa agenda . You know soros paid off Gov , Mayor & amp ; Police Chief
glad you agree . We’re now watching phase 2 of soros plan . Destroy US infrastructur … https : / /
RT MikeObrigewitch : TeamTrumpAZ No I think obama and soros should be removed
the entire movement . These kids are being controlled by soros via the M … https : / / t.co /

Now it’s really easy to visualize the distribution of our selected keywords over time and by language and weekly frequency:

kwic_results %>% 
  left_join(data_unique, by = c("docname" = "tweetid")) %>% 
  select(keyword, tweet_time, account_language, tweet_language) %>%
  mutate(keyword = tolower(keyword), date = floor_date(tweet_time, "week")) %>% 
  group_by(keyword, date, account_language) %>% 
  count() %>% 
  ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(x = date, y = fct_rev(keyword),
                   color = account_language,
                   size = n), alpha = 0.5) +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired", direction = 1) +
    labs(title = "Russian Internet Agency Dataset: Selected Keywords - Weekly Activity per Account Language",
         subtitle = str_c("Based on n = ", nrow(kwic_results), " hits from the full IRA dataset"),
         caption = "@fubits",
         x = "Weekly Activity",
         y = "",
         color = "Account\nLanguage") +
    theme_minimal() +
    guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5,
                                                    stroke = 0,
                                                    alpha = 1)))

The Spanish-language dominance in 2017 looks really weird.

kwic_results %>% 
    left_join(data_unique, by = c("docname" = "tweetid")) %>% 
    filter(account_language == "es") %>% 
    select(account_language, tweet_language, pre, keyword, post, tweet_time) %>%
  head(20) %>% 
account_language tweet_language pre keyword post tweet_time
es en SHOCKING : Look What Crooked Favor James Comey Did For Hillary Clinton https : / / t.co / weUNOc0m98 2017-09-01 16:55:00
es en : Look What Crooked Favor James Comey Did For Hillary Clinton https : / / t.co / weUNOc0m98 2017-09-01 16:55:00
es en RT Cernovich : ANTIFA , a left wing group , would punch solo #UnitetheRight 2017-08-12 19:24:00
es en #ade BOMBSHELL STUDY : Voter Fraud May Have Resulted in Hillary Winning New Hampshire https : / / t.co / a2KZEMQz1B 2017-07-31 22:31:00
es en #darccy Trump Supporters REACT to Mitt Romney PRAISING ANTIFA ! https : / / t.co / QGyEnhJWfx #darcy https 2017-08-17 00:47:00
es en #mar RT comermd : Antifa Democrats have successfully aligned with Nazi beliefs . Tomecide is 2017-08-16 17:52:00
es en #mar RT comermd : Antifa Democrats have successfully aligned with Nazi beliefs . Tomecide is common before destroying a civilization ! 2017-08-16 17:52:00
es en #emel BREAKING : Masked Antifa Thugs Pick a FIGHT With Chicago Police https : / 2017-08-16 15:49:00
es en RT stranahan : Soros funded spokesman runs from Beth Chapman https : / / 2017-08-01 03:01:00
es en #IStandWithHannity #IStandWithEricBolling Free speech & amp ; truth ! NEVER Soros facists seanhannity eri … https : / / t.co / 2017-08-08 14:29:00
es en : What the Dem #Fake Media Is Hiding About the Clinton Email Probe https : / / t.co / JviO83XBFA #just 2017-08-10 11:11:00
es en Sorry Hillary , Former President Carter Didn’t Vote For You https : 2017-05-09 12:46:00
es en VIDEO : BUTSTED ! Bill Clinton Caught Ogling Ivanka Trump While Hillary Looks on in Disgust 2017-01-21 01:53:00
es en : BUTSTED ! Bill Clinton Caught Ogling Ivanka Trump While Hillary Looks on in Disgust https : / / t.co / 2017-01-21 01:53:00
es en Trump to Release Unheard Hillary Tape … Stunning , Unprecedented https : / / t.co 2017-05-15 18:40:00
es en BREAKING : Man Planning to KILL Trump was Hillary Clinton’s Close Friend ! His Plan is SICK … https 2017-01-22 17:34:00
es en Peter Schweizer : Clinton Foundation Probe Must Continue - You Can’t Say ’ She 2016-11-13 01:58:00
es en Look What Antifa THUGS Did to This Black Student in Charlottesville https : 2017-08-17 16:48:00
es en #adsnn Violent Antifa THUG Arrested for Assault in Charlottesville https : / / 2017-08-14 01:11:00
es en There is no one in the MSM who will tell the truth - period . Enlist in 2017-08-18 01:17:00

Hm, does not look too Spanish to me. That’s another topic for further exploration and investigation.


2.4 Building a 5.7M x 1.5M Sparse Document-Feature Matrix

From a tactical perspective with regards to large corpora and in-memory processing, this particular Stack Overflow introduced an interesting but actually misleading approach for creating a huge dfm: 000andy8484 - Create dfm step by step with quanteda.

After failing to build a dfm from the untouched corpus repeatedly (on Windows & Linux), this SO-post explained how to reduce the number of features in the corpus by tokenizing the texts and removing unwanted tokens before creating the dfm. This way I really gained some momentum for dfm() (by reducing dimensions), but we would also loose the analytic methods / functionality of a corpus object (i.e. kwic()) as we destroy the basic corpus structure (full Tweets in our case) by replacing the texts with tokens. This experiment was more of a performance evaluation than a recommended practice (for now, at least). I ended up with something like a 60M x 1.5M DFM, which obviously shows that I had lost the document-based corpus structure.

Having said that, here’s our regular strategy:

  • create untouched corpus (we did this above, already)
  • remove obsolete tokens from corpus by directly tokenizing the texts
  • remove stopwords from corpus
  • create dfm from reduced untouched corpus
  • reduce dfm by removing unwanted features (stopwords, URLs, 2-char tokens and so on)
  • build dfm subsets for specific analyses
  • build topic models with stm() based on variations of the dfm

Naive Corpus

# data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
IRA_corpus <- readRDS(stringr::str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive.rds"))

2.4.1 Stopwords

First of all, we will need to create list of very frequent tokens/words which we can simply filter out from our corpus. This is my current best-practice with regards to stopwords. I’m using three different sources to compile a super-list of stopwords for the languages concerned. (As for “amp”, this is an artifact I encountered in my previous posts: It’s just a left-over of &amp, which is the HTML entity for string-parsing &, and is created when we use remove_punct = TRUE. Same is true for &quot and probably some other unparsed/escaped entities in the IRA dataset).

# repo: https://github.com/stopwords-iso
en_stopwords <- readr::read_lines("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-en/master/stopwords-en.txt")
ru_stopwords <- readr::read_lines("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-ru/master/stopwords-ru.txt")
de_stopwords <- readr::read_lines("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-de/master/stopwords-de.txt")

custom_stopwords_en <- unique(c(en_stopwords,
                             quanteda::stopwords("english"))) # only keep uniques
custom_stopwords_ru <- unique(c(ru_stopwords,
                             quanteda::stopwords("russian"))) # only keep uniques
custom_stopwords_de <- unique(c(de_stopwords,
                             quanteda::stopwords("german"))) # only keep uniques

stopwords_extra <- c("amp", "http", "https", "quot")
custom_stopwords_en <- c(custom_stopwords_en, stopwords_extra)
custom_stopwords_ru <- c(custom_stopwords_ru, stopwords_extra)
custom_stopwords_ru <- c(custom_stopwords_ru, stopwords_extra)

rm(en_stopwords) # free up RAM. We'll need it soon-ish

2.4.2 Deprecated Approach

Caution: This is the taboo-approach, which I tried out and would not recommend re-doing. It performs. But the analytical value/utility of the output is rather limited!

This task alone would first approach taking up more than 20GB “RAM”" on my Windows OS Laptop and eventually crash, so be warned again: proceed with caution!

On Ubuntu Linux we’ll get along with 9GB-11GB RAM for the same task (corpus building, tokenizing and reducing) without even touching the swap file. The difference is insane… However, this still would not work out for creating a dfm from the untouched, all-tweets corpus. If you want to replicate this, I suggest at least 16GB RAM + 20GB swap memory or 32GB RAM and a regular-sized swap file/drive. SSD performance might be better. Or cloud, if you’re willing (and able) to pay 2-3€/hour for the larger instances…

quanteda::quanteda_options("threads" = 4)
texts(IRA_corpus) <- quanteda::tokens(IRA_corpus,
                                      remove_twitter = TRUE,
                                      remove_url = TRUE,
                                      remove_punct = TRUE, 
                                      remove_numbers = TRUE,
                                      # ngrams = 1:2

texts(IRA_corpus) <- tokens_remove(texts(IRA_corpus),

saveRDS(IRA_corpus, str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive_clean.rds"))

# **Reset session**

gc(full = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
# .rs.restartR()

data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
IRA_corpus <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive_clean.rds"))

2.4.3 Regular Approach


We already have a plain, untouched corpus object from further above, so we can skip this step.

IRA_corpus <- data_unique %>% 
  corpus(text_field = "tweet_text",
         docid_field = "tweetid",
         docvars = data_unique, # probably obsolete when docid_field is set
         compress = FALSE # compression is better for in-memory, but'll slow down processing  

Instead, we’ll load the clean, untouched corpus from our HDD and proceed with dfm()

data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
IRA_corpus <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "IRA_corpus_naive.rds"))

Sparse Document-Feature Matrix with quanteda::dfm()

Now we’ll turn the international corpus into a sparse Document-Feature Matrix / Document-Term-Matrix with quanteda::dfm() and include n-grams of 1 and 2 words (bigrams).

My apporach for smaller tasks still is to clear the environment after every big step with rm() on the objects and enforcing gc(), then .rs.restartR(), and then readRDS() the last processed object…

On Windows, this task would slow down first, and then crash, no matter what. Eventually, I was able to get this done by:

  • installing Linux/Ubuntu MATE 18.10
  • setting up a USB 3.0 thumb drive as a 64GB swap drive (my current SSD is too small for Windows and Ubuntu + swap partition)
  • calling gcinfo(TRUE) to make the garbage collection (gc()) verbose, so that I was able to monitor the memory states
  • and finally, starting with a clean session (see the steps described just above)

dfm() pt.1

gcinfo(TRUE) # sets gc() to verbose = TRUE; even when output == "FALSE""
IRA_dfm <- dfm(
  # corpus_sample(IRA_corpus, 1000000), #always test with small n first
  IRA_corpus, # full corpus
  tolower = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  min_nchar = 3,
  remove = c(custom_stopwords_en, custom_stopwords_ru, custom_stopwords_de),
  remove_twitter = FALSE,
  remove_numbers = TRUE,
  remove_punct = TRUE,
  remove_url = TRUE)

> Argument min_nchar not used

We’ll keep that in mind…

... created a 5,708,124 x 1,534,498 sparse dfm

Success! Thanks Linux! But don’t forget to save this dfm object!!!

dfm() pt.2

Now we’ll make sure that there are no left-over 1- and 2-character tokens (which are called features from now on) and then save the dfm to our HDD.

IRA_dfm <- dfm_select(IRA_dfm, min_nchar = 3) # double-checking
saveRDS(IRA_dfm, str_c(data_path, "IRA_dfm_naive_clean.rds"))
gcinfo(FALSE) # turn off verbosing for garbage collection 
IRA_dfm <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "IRA_dfm_naive_clean.rds"))

Applying min_nchar = 3 twice actually really helped. Now we are down to a:

5708124 x 1530058 sparse DFM (4.5K features less now).

##        Length         Class          Mode 
## 8733760791192           dfm            S4

Holy sh*t. That’s the power of R + Quanteda + Linux I guess. So my “little” proof-of-concept experiment worked out. You can build a large dfm from a large corpus without resorting to cloud computing / AWS et al.

Now we can explore a bit more and then proceed over to building a topic model.

2.5 International Tweets: Top-Features

Let’s have a quick look at the most frequent features from all ~5.7M Tweets (in all Tweet languages)

topfeatures(IRA_dfm, 40) %>%
#news 236677
россии 115430
сша 111463
#sports 96852
trump 93964
украина 87824
#politics 74959
украины 67625
police 58584
новости 57005
украине 56198
#спб 52898
#local 52026
people 49801
путин 47521
мнение 45908
workout 43647
love 41963
obama 39125
#новости 38359
области 37143
life 35277
time 34470
из-за 33244
video 32206
day 30315
#world 29351
фото 27870
президент 27017
breaking 26119
#business 25763
woman 25379
president 25149
москве 24527
порошенко 24517
u.s 23593
сирии 23327
black 22892
shooting 22701
house 22352

Funny! Russian terms dominate the international corpus aka Twitter’s “Internet Research Agency” dataset :)What’s also noteworthy, is the top-ranked news hashtag, probably pointing at the proliferation of the “fake news” term.

Now let’s create a subset of our dfm without #hashtags and @account handles for a purer content analysis. It’s a bit redundant, but due to the (in-memory) size of the full-languages dfm (2.8GB with hashtags/accounts; 2.7GB w/o) this is necessary if we want to work with and without Twitter artifacts.

IRA_dfm_no_twitter <- dfm_select(IRA_dfm, pattern = list('#*',"@*"),
                       selection = "remove")
saveRDS(IRA_dfm_no_twitter, str_c(data_path, "IRA_dfm_naive_clean_no_twitter.rds"))

We’ve further reduced the number of features from 1.530.058 to 965.278 by removing Twitter @handles and #hashtags

This is another good moment to restart our session with a lower in-memory footprint.

Reset session

gc(full = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
# .rs.restartR()

re-load packages and dfm

quanteda_options("threads" = 4) # 4 is the limit on my Laptop
print(str_c("Threads for Quanteda: ", quanteda_options("threads")))
## [1] "Threads for Quanteda: 4"
data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")

Linux: down to 1.3GB RAM load

data_path <- here::here("data", "IRA_Tweets", "/")
IRA_dfm <- readRDS(str_c(data_path, "IRA_dfm_naive_clean_no_twitter.rds"))

Now we can have another look at the top features from our dfm, this time without hashtags.

While the default scheme = "count" would give us the absolut/total feature frequencies (i.e. 3x news in a single Tweet = 3x news in absolut terms), scheme = "docfreq" returns per-document frequencies (number of Tweets with this feature), which is more precise with regards to Tweets.

topfeatures(IRA_dfm, 40, scheme = "docfreq") %>%
россии 114300
сша 109309
trump 91500
украина 86958
украины 66896
police 57166
новости 56866
украине 55187
people 47189
путин 45959
мнение 45762
workout 43296
obama 38371
love 37431
области 36847
life 33475
time 33433
из-за 33112
video 31964
day 29196
фото 27675
президент 26703
breaking 26070
woman 24963
president 24644
москве 24376
порошенко 24092
u.s 23235
сирии 23062
shooting 22473
house 21988
рублей 21941
killed 21906
black 21719
петербурге 20946
политика 20738
white 20385
интересно 20228
видео 19800
дтп 19681

Wow. Russian features concerning Ukraine, Russia, and USA still dominate the top features in terms of frequency!

We should also have a look at these frequencies grouped by Tweet languages:

topfeatures(IRA_dfm, 20, scheme = "docfreq",
            groups = "tweet_language") %>%
россии 107017
сша 101932
украина 83053
украины 62503
новости 53946
украине 52553
мнение 45032
путин 42412
области 33446
из-за 29488
президент 24976
фото 24633
порошенко 23273
сирии 21842
рублей 19868
интересно 19818
москве 19581
петербурге 19046
политика 18809
дтп 17573
достойно 835
доброе 641
цитата 518
слова 391
чужие 309
номер 306
теме 303
lol 300
доходчиво 291
путин 284
по-царски 283
благотворно 279
уважения 278
позиция 269
новости 267
материал 264
суховат 262
поощрения 261
фото 258
репост 257
trump 90333
police 56297
people 46701
workout 43263
obama 37492
love 37018
life 33078
time 32824
video 31283
day 28849
breaking 25934
woman 24844
president 24389
u.s 23092
shooting 22376
house 21726
killed 21649
black 21408
white 20299
city 18623
россии 7064
сша 5577
москве 4718
из-за 3505
области 2969
путин 2840
видео 2638
суд 2182
млн 2142
москвы 2080
дтп 2049
рублей 1899
петербурге 1814
погибли 1788
фото 1697
матче 1464
медведев 1414
человека 1408
глава 1308
динамо 1302
cnn 564
police 472
potus 380
twitter 353
michael 331
alex 327
chris 322
ryan 317
russia 314
john 302
android 297
kim 286
facebook 275
special 274
sarah 270
share 268
add 268
prosecutor 262
linkedin 262
enjoy 260
polizei 2009
berlin 1795
guten 1407
hamburg 1374
stuttgart 1183
köln 1155
kölner 1121
frau 1084
schönen 1026
verletzt 998
deutschland 969
berliner 957
nacht 956
merkel 918
unfall 905
euro 855
trump 771
auto 696
wünsche 690
dresden 665
украины 3590
украина 3429
новости 2171
украине 2032
сша 1704
политика 1542
фото 946
критично 920
перепост 722
порошенко 646
украину 631
президент 590
яценюк 567
репост 536
редкость 507
власти 487
владимир 439
александр 416
лнр 409
млн 407
kittens 215
hahaha 194
cute 166
hahahah 160
haha 138
kiwiwang5 129
usvetram 128
ethnicambiguity 120
euroraver 119
abitx2u 95
persian 94
ha-ha 80
life2tweet 75
hahahaha 70
yung 65
rudy 64
poster 64
serge 64
ibaka 64
ahahaha 64
del 262
por 206
rt_america 171
retweet 160
adorable 159
para 151
obama 148
puerto 147
mayor 132
méxico 132
san 125
video 121
police 120
rico 111
venezuela 108
mexico 104
las 96
criminal 93
una 89
sos 89
على 6398
سوريا 2133
السوري 2119
الارهاب 2060
الله 1698
داعش 1593
الجيش 1577
الشعب 1418
التي 1356
الى 1340
بعد 1186
يلي 1140
هذا 1116
إلى 1111
انو 1063
الذي 1006
هذه 825
العالم 819
ولا 796
حتى 785
les 309
police 180
pour 164
une 152
trump 132
detroit 132
dans 131
hot 115
dangerous 114
abercrombie 110
change 108
models 108
ridiculous 103
excellent 100
obama 99
vote 99
senate 92
france 86
climate 85
court 78
sarah 248
selfie 157
retweet 151
rt_america 151
blah 101
susan 81
ryan 75
megan 69
hannah 68
laura 62
sam 60
boo 58
car 57
palestinian 55
lisa 54
emily 53
dan 53
adam 53
rabbi 52
talve 52
рукам 282
заметано 282
славу 272
метко 271
бог 264
где-то 253
посередине 253
велел 240
путина 189
зима 112
андроид 79
путин 74
разлука 74
политика 58
обама 46
лично 44
подруге 42
истина 38
кличко 36
август 35

for orientation: this is the order of languages in this table (can’t get them to render as col.names = with knitr:kable() yet):"ru", "bg", "en", "und", "other_44", "de", "uk", "tl", "es", "ar", "fr", "in", "sr"

Mind that I only removed stopwords for Tweets labelled as English, Russian, and German (by Twitter). As we’ve explored in the previous post, und (=undefined) mostly containes Tweets in Russian. What’s interesting is that Bulgarian as well as Ukrainian both predominantly contain Russian features, with Russian orthography, which should not be the case here.

Let’s have a look at how these features might be connected to each other:

topfeats <- names(topfeatures(IRA_dfm, 100))
textplot_network(dfm_select(IRA_dfm, topfeats), min_freq = 0.2,
                 edge_alpha = 0.7, edge_size = 5, edge_color = "grey", 
                 vertex_size = 1)

The two worlds collide on the topic of USA …

With the mightiness of Quanteda, we could do a lot of further exploratory analysis and so on… However, it’s really about time to focus on a smaller and language-specific subset, as the following task (to be addressed in part #3 of this series) will be even more intense in terms of computing power and memory usage.

However, here’s a preview from Topic Modelling on the English-language subset (~2M Tweets):

(73 Topics from 2M English-language Tweets; modelled with the stm()-package; K auto-induced with t-SNE/PCA)

(73 Topics from 2M English-language Tweets; modelled with the stm()-package; K auto-induced with t-SNE/PCA)